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Scheduled Jobs


Available for Flex (SSIS) and Gems (Pre-built)

To set up an execution (either recurring or one-time) you need to create a scheduled job. You can do this immediately after:

  • uploading a package (via the "Add Trigger" button and then by selecting the "Scheduled Job" option) or later - either from Packages page or from Scheduled Jobs page.
  • installing a gem (via the "Add Trigger" button and then by selecting the "Scheduled Job" option) or later - either from Gems page or from Scheduled Jobs page. img

When configuring recurring jobs you have a lot of flexibility when to schedule them. Basically all options available in SQL Server Agent Schedules are also available in COZYROC Cloud Scheduled jobs:

  • Configure time zone
  • Configure frequency (daily, weekly or monthly)
  • Configure daily frequency (at what time a day or on each what interval)
  • Configure the activity period of the scheduled job (from-to date).

Scheduled jobs can be enabled or disabled (i.e. active or inactive). A one-time job becomes automatically inactive after it gets executed.

Scheduled Jobs Management

The Scheduled Jobs page displays a list of all scheduled jobs (active vs. inactive). You can perform the following operations in this page:

  • Sort by job name (Name), package name (Package) or gem name (Gem), agent execution type (Agent), time of last execution (Last executed) and the next time it is scheduled to run (Next Scheduled Time).
  • Navigate to a selected scheduled job or the corresponding package
  • Filter the grid by package or gem
  • Add a new Scheduled job (for an already uploaded package or already installed gem)
  • Enable or disable job


The examples below demonstrate different scheduling scenarios using SSIS packages. All steps shown in the videos apply to Gems as well.

Schedule a SSIS package to execute at a specified time

Schedule a SSIS package to execute once daily

Schedule a SSIS package for executing on a weekly or monthly basis